About Me

Hello and Welcome, my name is Jenn and I created Join Jenn’s Journey as a space where you can be the most authentic version of yourself that you could imagine!  This is a no judgement zone, a place to explore where you are and discover where you want to be.

 I would love to share a little about myself with you.  I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York.  My parents were divorced when I was young, and I lived with my mom and my younger sister growing up.  After high school unsure of what path, I wanted to take, I moved to Long Island, NY and started working full time.  I went to community college and received an associate degree in Early Childhood Education.  By the time I was 30 years old I had been married, divorced and given birth to three beautiful daughters.  My thirties were spent learning to single parent effectively, co-parent as peacefully as possible, obtaining my bachelor’s degree in accounting and maintaining a balance between being a mom and wanting a social life.  I worked with professionals that helped me manage my emotions, build my confidence, move forward with my career path, build a stable family life and surround myself with a healthy sense of community.  I began working for the State of New York in 2009.  In 2012, I was lucky enough to meet my future husband and begin merging our families together.  I became a stepmom to another beautiful daughter in 2017 when we were married.

 One of the biggest struggles that I have faced has been maintaining a healthy weight.  I have tried every program that I have encountered, some of them more than once.   In 2018, I became a certified health coach after losing a considerable amount of weight.  My weight has fluctuated over the years from my highest weight of 350lbs to my goal weight of 175lbs and everything in between.  I have helped hundreds of clients take control of the health and wellbeing all while working on myself.  I have recently accepted that without dealing with the core problems, I am always going to struggle.  Even when I am struggling, I smile, keep a positive mindset and know that the struggle is temporary, and I can achieve anything I want if I have an open mind and am willing to learn and grow.  We are all a work in progress.  We all need help at one point or another and I have come to a point in my life where I feel that I can be a great support, sounding block, confidant, accountability buddy and/or mentor to others.  Is my life perfect?  Absolutely not!  Have I learned plenty of tools to help live my best life?  Absolutely!  I am willing to share my experiences, mistakes, lessons and heart with anyone who asks. I want you to live your best life too, won’t you join the journey!?!